We are the best at what we do. We decide which travelers to embrace as clients. We determine our level of income. We do not forget that money is simply a result proportional to the value we provide to our respected clients.
Our home-based travel agencies are designed around our lives. Not vice-versa. We plan around our loved ones and work when we perform at our best. This optimises our time and allows us to serve our audience better. We are seriously able to propel ourselves forward as travel authorities; as Travel Experts!
We are 'Happy Travel Agents (HTA)!
Built around three foundation pillars designed to specify your market and attract only quality new and returning clients
Appreciating that your specialty service is highly sought after & respected
Targets clients looking for the niche experience only you can provide
Calculated so that your sales funnel does the heavy lifting bringing people to a phone conversation for you to interview them before any work starts
The first booking is just the beginning; ensuring they return to you for life
Controlling the narrative with empathy & assertiveness
Taking EVERY enquiry
Selling ALL forms of travel; effectively spreading yourself too thin
Get the booking using the 'pricebeat' mentality
Taking clients on board without having interviewed them first
Taking inbound enquiries not related to your niche
Building it and simply expecting them to come...
Many travel agents receive inbound calls of enquiry. Some receive walk-ins in a shopfront. This generally involves accepting all that comes your way. Many may not book with you. Similarly; you will often need to deal with types of travel and people with whom you have minimal connection or enjoyment. This is how it is for many in this profession. But it doesn't have to be like that...
The first thing a travel expert wants to see is a confirmed 15 minute consultatation from a future traveler who has self-qualified through your criteria and is ready, willing & able to book with you. The icing here is that all HTA enquiries relate only to your favorite travel niche.
Travel experts feel their best when they are dealing in their travel speciality. They love it! It's their art. It doesn't even feel like work. It's our "why". It's a big motivation as to why we get up in the morning. It makes our day and is such a joy to provide this learned talent to our eager travelers.
Travel Experts understand how they personally add value to their community by their interest, knowledge, professionalism & attitude in their chosen travel niche.
It is the travel expert who attracts travelers genuinely looking for an experience as opposed to just a cruise or a flight. In order to do this they must take action. They must get their name out into the online community. They must show up so clients know that we are there for them.
To have a queue of eagerly awaiting future clients is not an overnight fix. Absolutely not. To be known as the expert whom they seek, you need to exhibit mastery, empathy & professionalism. The good news is we have a readily definable starting point as we all know what we like. We know what type of travel floats our boat.
With this comes the things that matter the most - to do the things they love and to be with the people they love. It is a great place to be and every travel agent has the opportunity to become a travel expert. Here; we can go one step further and become 'Happy Travel Agents'!
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